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Messages - Roman

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well yes that looks ok, however some questions:
Do you use a single profile for fm towns or an all-in-one scan, which merge mode, how are the rompaths organized (more than one for fm towns?)

Maybe some other tasks are actively accessing the files during the scan and simply blocked cmpro's read...
since I heard that generally there is no problem when scanning such files

Maybe you can send me your cmpro.ini and the belonging .cmp file from cmpro's settings folder for your used profile.

clrmame Discussion / cmpro 4.048b
« on: 29 October 2023, 18:44 »
fixed: wrong delta chd proposals in full merged mode (identical chds)

...and yes, it seems that converting the susume chd to a delta fails (also with manual chdman usage), JohnIV already filed a bug report to the MAME team....

can you do a "chdman info" on e.g. kiwame

The crash was more related to the samples fix and not unneeded...so....sounds a bit weird that software lists are affected.
Do you have an example which fm town set is affected?

clrmame Discussion / Re: delta chds, cmpro test version
« on: 29 October 2023, 17:24 »
hehe....you've got a private message...

clrmame Discussion / Re: delta chds, cmpro test version
« on: 29 October 2023, 17:09 »
ok...found it....I shouldn't work on weekends...

clrmame Discussion / Re: delta chds, cmpro test version
« on: 29 October 2023, 16:58 »
erm...weird..never seen that...which merge mode do you use? how are parent/clone (area51 to take one example) stored (Well I see area51.chd but real clone?)

clrmame Discussion / cmpro 4.048a
« on: 29 October 2023, 12:12 »
fixed: unneeded scan crashes/exits
misc: limiting delta chd support for chd version >=5

clrmame Discussion / Re: delta chds, cmpro test version
« on: 29 October 2023, 11:06 »
the crash / exit is fixed.....Rebuilder does not work with chds, neither does fix-missing on addfiles if I'm not mistaken...
....so I will look into the drmn10m etc chds what's going on there.....if manual converting doesn't work either it's something related to the chds (maybe version mismatch).....stay tuned

clrmame Discussion / Re: delta chds, cmpro test version
« on: 29 October 2023, 07:46 »
wow..lots of information...I try to work on them as quick as possible...
regarding the convert fails on some chds, maybe it's related to version differences....there are some parent v4 chds in MAME collections which are flagged as baddump where the clones are v5 chds....

Checking the rest hopefully soon....

hmm...doesn't happen for me....I will do further checks.

clrmame Discussion / Re: New samples in MAME 0.260
« on: 28 October 2023, 19:03 »
Try again

clrmame Discussion / clrmamepro 4.048 released
« on: 28 October 2023, 18:49 »
added: delta chd support, show warnings, support convert/revert of chds
fixed: MAME 260 "samples" issue (is shown as unneeded and not found)

For delta chd support, see here:

clrmame Discussion / Re: New samples in MAME 0.260
« on: 28 October 2023, 17:53 »
yep, thanks...as I said...I already know the problem

clrmame Discussion / Re: New samples in MAME 0.260
« on: 28 October 2023, 17:32 »
ah...I already know that the problem is....

will work on a fix

clrmame Discussion / delta chds, cmpro test version
« on: 26 October 2023, 18:05 »
Ok, here we go....a test version for some delta chd features.

Disclaimer: This is not an official release, it's just a 64bit cmpro exe file which can replace yours. Do it on your own risk. Any chd convert/revert operation, you do it on your own risk.

What are the delta chd features (screenshots here: https://www.emulab.it/forum/index.php?topic=9148.msg25902#msg25902) ?

In Settings->Compressor...->CHDMan, you find a new section "Delta CHDs". It also holds two new command line boxes for converting and reverting. They are filled with the default copy operations, don't change them.
The section holds options where you can decide if cmpro
- should warn you about chds which can be converted to deltas
- chds which are deltas
- or you don't want to see any warnings at all (default).

There is also a checkbox (ticked by default) which enables backup when a convert/revert operation actually takes place.

After running a (new) scan and having a warning option enabled, you might see warnings in the warnings window below the scanner. It can list something like:

- Non-delta chd: some.chd Convertable via someother.chd ( showed warning about non-delta chds )

- Delta chd: some.chd Revertable via someother.chd (showed warning about delta chds)

- Bad parent delta chd: some.chd Revertable via someother.chd (error: parents can't be deltas)

- Bad clone delta chd: some.chd Revertable via someother.chd (error: the delta clone uses a different chd than the current parent)

- Can't convert/revert some.chd. Can't find a non delta CHD with SHA1: somesha1 (error: parent is not available)

If one or more of the messages are shown, you can use the popup contextmenu on one of the lines (you can also select multiple) and select one of the delta chd options in the menu. You can convert or revert all/selected. Depending on the selection you see either the one or the other or both options...

When selecting convert or revert, chdman is called and run in the background. If something went wrong or your used ctrl-c to exit chdman and you got multiple files in the queue, you will be asked if you want to continue.
If you ticked the backup option (you should), delta and absolute chds are copied to your backup folder. For this, subfolders are created in there _chd_abs_ and chd_delta_.

Known things:

- delta chds are always smaller? No, there are cases, especially when it comes to examples where the parent chd is a v4 baddump and the clone is a v5 chd, the delta version is slightly bigger

- when a chd is converted and reverted, I get the original file back? No, not necessarily. There are chds which were created with an older version of chdman and converting/reverting them with the current one ends up with a slightly smaller file. This is most likely based on the fact that the newer chdman uses a newer version of lzma which is responsible for the size loss. However, the raw data and its sha1 will be the same.

- when thinking about reverting, cmpro's unneeded/set check helps to find parent chds which might be located elsewhere or named incorrectly

- Can I convert all clone chds? If there is a belonging parent chd, yes (when CHD version is >= 3). Belonging? Well, there are sets which have more than one chd. To identify a belonging chd, the chd's "region" (and for software lists, the "part") information is used for a match. If a chd is not listed with a region/part, cmpro won't use it for any delta operations.

Well..happy testing...and don't forget: it's your fault when something goes wrong ;-)

Don't know if it's worth all the trouble....in times of multi terabyte HDs.....but the warnings might be useful.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Delta CHDs new feature.
« on: 26 October 2023, 08:12 »
If something fails during chdman conversion or you ctrl-c break out and are currently running multiple ones, you are prompted if you want to continue or not.
Generally, if something fails, the files are not touched...
So it's like

convert .chd -> .delta, if something fails, stop (or prompt in case of a being in a loop)
rename .chd -> .abs (if something fails, remove the .delta)
copy .abs to backup (if something fails, remove the .delta, rename .abs back to .chd)
rename .delta -> .chd (....you know what...)
if we came here, delete .abs

similar for reverting

hopefully I wrote that down without looking at the code ;-)

clrmame Discussion / Re: Delta CHDs new feature.
« on: 25 October 2023, 18:14 »
Coming closer:

- you can warn about non-deltas or deltas...or you don't care at all about deltas..
- convert or revert found single or multi (delta) chds after a scan (warnings appear in the warnings windows, popup menu gives you options for revert/convert)
- backup old abs/delta chds so nothing gets lost...(backup folder gets _chd_abs_ and _chd_delta_ subfolders)
- detects bad parent chds which are stored as delta (this is not allowed...you need to revert the file if possible)
- detects bad clone chds where the parent is 'lost', i.e. it was created with a different chd than the current parent (you need to revert the file if possible)
- revert possibility when 'parent' chd is found somewhere in your collection
- software lists included via part names

Generally, for converting the parent and clone file have to exist and they share the same "region"/"part name" in the datfile. For reverting, the chd which was used to generate the delta needs to be in your collection. The warnings appear after a scan in the warnings window.

doing some more testing and thinking about a good way when you only do a scan (not new scan) where not all chds are scanned….

by the way: delta converting a file and reverting it may result in a slightly different file….most likely based on the fact that the original chd file was created with a different chdman in the past with an older lzma or zlib version….the sha1 do match though…

clrmame Discussion / Re: Delta CHDs new feature.
« on: 24 October 2023, 04:33 »
Chdman takes full paths and I provide them whereever the clone and parent were found :-)
So….no need for manual copying/searching.

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