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Messages - gdicnng

Pages: [1]
clrmame Discussion / Re: statistics wrong
« on: 19 May 2019, 10:16 »
I try the Nightly Build cmpro20190515 , it works fine.
Thank you very much.

clrmame Discussion / Re: Separating BIOS files?
« on: 05 April 2019, 13:30 »
to get the bios dat of 139u1 .
use a dat of 139u1 or just mame.exe .

in ClrMamePro.
in Scan Rescults ,at the bottom ,click Set Information ,
in Set Selection , %B=1 ,Apply ,Exports current database.

clrmame Discussion / statistics wrong
« on: 05 April 2019, 13:09 »
mame 0.208 64bit.
ClrMamePro 4.035.
in scanner , choose Sets , choose Roms , not choose Samples ,not choose Chds.

the number of missing roms is not right. I got all the roms , but it still show that I miss one roms.
already find the problem game , loveber3cn . If creat an empty folder , named loveber3cn ,it will show 0 miss.

the related problem , in

( Sorry for my bad English , if i made any mistake )

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmamepro 4.032 released
« on: 03 June 2017, 00:26 »
I delete all the empty folders.
It works fine , the right number of missing roms.
No need to fool ClrMamePro anymore.

Thank you very much !

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmamepro 4.032 released
« on: 02 June 2017, 13:25 »
Thank you !
Waiting for the good news.

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmamepro 4.032 released
« on: 02 June 2017, 10:46 »
the missing number of sets doesn't matter.cause you said I do miss some sets.
but the missing number of roms matters.
I don't want to fool the ClrMamePro , if it gives me the right missing roms number.

if the miss roms number is 0 , I know for sure that I got all the roms right.

if the miss roms is not 0 ,I have to check which one is missing,try to find it ,and add it to my collection of MAME's roms.

if the number is not right , I have to check whether I do really miss roms or ClrMamePro just gives me a wrong report.

cause the chd files take too much space , I think there are many MAMEers are just like me . we don't have chds , or we just have several chds. when these MAMEers use ClrMamePro , they may meet this problem.

I know this problem, I can get used to this problem.
but , if a new user of ClrMamePro meet this problem , he may really have a problem.

clrmame Discussion / Re: clrmamepro 4.032 released
« on: 02 June 2017, 03:51 »
sorry for bad Englist first ,if I made any mistake.

"fixed: don't list existing parent roms in completely missing clones' output"

the scan results is right now,but,the report is still wrong.

ClrMamePro Options:
you want to scan : choose sets and roms
your perfer : choose split sets

I have all the right roms of mame 0.186 .
in ClrMamePro 4.031c , the scan results show that I miss many sets and roms.
in ClrMamePro 4.032 , the scan results show that I just miss many sets . cause I have all the rights roms , it doesn't show I miss any roms. But at last ,the report ,the statistics show that I miss sets and roms. exact the same report as ClrMamePro 4.031c, even the miss number is the same.

I do miss some sets . first, some chd games doesn't need roms . second, some chd clone games need roms , but , its roms is the same as its parent game's roms. so they just share the parent games' roms ,they don't need .zip files to hold any roms. Cause I don't have chds , these two kind of games miss set. the second kind is the problem of ClrMamePro 4.031c .

I have all the right roms ,so I think the report shold be like : miss sets xxx ,miss roms 0 .(by the way , I remember that old ClrMamePro show the report just like this.)  but the report still show that I miss roms.

I create empty folders for all the miss set . then the report become right . miss sets 0 ,miss roms 0. this works for both ClrMamePro 4.031c and 4.032 .

clrmame Discussion / Re: pause and continue
« on: 27 December 2014, 10:24 »
simply stop the scanning. a prompt will appear if you really want to stop or want to continue. so...there is your pause option :-)
Thank you first.
yes , it can be paused by click Cancel , and choose no to continue.
but , it feels kind of weird.

it would be nice to add a new button,just beside the Cancle button.

clrmame Discussion / pause and continue
« on: 26 December 2014, 11:08 »
I think
it would be better to add a button ,which can pause and continue by click,
when clrmamepro is scanning files or rebuilding sets.
(my English is poor.I hope I already make myself understood .)

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